
Since enamel pins are hand made, I cannot guarantee that any will be flawless.

Grading Policy

Standard/A Grade: Zero to minimal visible errors. Since pins are handmade, they may contain minimal errors that can be seen up close but does not distract from the overall design.

Seconds/B Grade: May contain some visible scratches, dents, screen printing errors, incorrect enamel color or other imperfections. No two pins are alike and the varying errors will be random. Cannot be returned due to the flaws.

C Grade: May contain much more obvious flaws such as scratches, dents, screen printing errors or incorrect enamel colors. 


A lot is involved in the pin manufacture process, as a result some pins can take up to 6 months to complete. While I will do all I can to get preorders into your hands in a timely manner, refunds can be given after 6 months upon request. 

All product updates can be found on Instagram.

When combining in-hand and preorder items into the same order, please keep in mind that your order won't be shipped out until all items are ready to ship. If you would like to receive your in-hand items without waiting for preordered items, please create a separate order for them.


Please be aware that refunds may only be granted in situations where a grading, packing or shipping issue is my fault. For grading concerns, if you feel a pin has flaws that were overlooked than please contact me. You will need to supply photos of the areas of concern. I'll review the photos and either offer a partial refund, replacement or no refund. Situations where no refund is offered will be at my discretion if I feel the flaws fall under my grading policy. If a replacement is offered you will need to return the pin and a replacement will be mailed to you after I receive your pin.


If your package is undelivered or not moving through the postal system for a period of time, please contact me at frank@ecliptibles.shop to discuss what can be done.

If you package is shown as delivered, it will be your responsibility to find and recover your package. Unfortunately, I cannot provide refunds for lost packages when they show as "delivered".

Not shipping to Germany at the moment.